丑的艺术由美的艺术发展而来 ,并在 2 0世纪达到兴盛。从观念到实践 ,古希腊以来的人们都是追求美、创造美的艺术 ,虽然其间以启蒙运动为界前后有所变化。但 2 0世纪丑的艺术异峰突起 ,成为艺术舞台的中心。形成丑的艺术有社会现实、哲学与美学思潮以及艺术自身发展的规律等原因。丑的艺术的出现 ,拓开了人们的审美视野、满足了现代人的审美需求 ,促进了美的生成 ,具有重要的认识价值与社会功能。丑的艺术的繁荣并不意味着艺术的消亡。艺术不会终结。
Ugly art evolved from beautiful art has reached its heyday in the 20th century.People have been pursuing beauty and creating the beautiful art from concept to pratice since the ancient Greek times,in spite of some changes having taken place after the Enlightenment.Ugly art,however,has suddenly come to the fore and become the center of art in the 20th century.Many factors,such as social reality,philosophy,aesthetics and the development of art have contributed to the formation of ugly art.The appearance of ugly art has broadened the scope of art appreciation,satisfied the needs of people,and promoted the growth of beauty,is of the value of cognition and social function.Thus the ugly art does not mean the end of art which will go on and on.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)