?.Parasitus tengkuofani Ma, 1995(figs.1)Body oval, white, 460×299μm. Dorsum bears 27 pairs of setae, all shorter but D1、 D3 and M2 long and stout. Venter with about 9 pairs of setae except perianal setae. Ad lie at level of posterior margin of anus, both Ad and PA longer than anus. Peritreme short. Tectum with three tines, all slender. Movable digit of chela with 3 teeth, fixed digit with several small teeth.Specimen 1 protonymph, ex nest of Mus musculus Linnaeus under haystack, from Qianguoerluosi Mongolian Autonomous County (45°N, 125°E), Jilin Province, June 1977.2. Parasitus wangdunqingi Ma, 1995(figs. 2)Body oval, white, 402-632×230-460(490×316)μm. Dorsum bears 27 pairs of long setae. Venter with about 9 pairs of setae except perianal setae. Anal shield circular; Ad lie behind level of posterior margin of anus, and longer than anus; PA longer than Ad. peritreme short. Tectum with three tines, middle tine wider and lateral tines slender. Movable and fixed digits of chela with 4 teeth respectively.Specimens 10 protonymphs, ex nest of Mus musculus Linnaeus under haystack, from Qianguoerluosi Mongolian Autonomous County (45°N, 125°E), Jilin Province, June 1977.3. Parasitus wentinghuani Ma, 1996(figs.3)Body oval, white, 460-655×264-402(535×316)μm. Dorsum bears 27 pairs of setae,all short but D1, D3 and M2 long and stout. Venter with about 8 pairs of setae except perianal setae. Ad lie at level of posterior margin of anus. Peritreme short. All three tines of tectum slender. Movable digit of chela with 3 teeth, fixed digit with some small teeth.Specimens 10 protonymphs, ex nest of Citellus dauricus (Brandt), from Da'an County(45°33′N, 123°23′E), Jilin Province, May 1963.4. Parasitus bispinatus Ma, 1996(figs. 4)Body oval, white, 494-575×322-368(552×350)μm. Dorsum bears 26 pairs of setae, venter with about 8 pairs of setae except perianal setae. Ad lie at level of posterior margin of anus, and longer than anus, PA shorter than Ad. Peritreme short. Tectum with three tines, all slender. Movable digit of chela with 3 teeth, fixed digit with 4 teeth. Specimens 4 protonymphs, ex nest of Citellus dauricus (Brandt), from Da'an County (45°33′N, 123°23′E), Jilin Province, May 1959.
Entomological Journal of East China
Acari,Parasitidae, Parasitus, protonymph.