
网格环境下的资源信用模型 被引量:2

Credit Model of Resources in the Grid Environment
摘要 主要解决网格环境下动态资源的管理问题。首次提出了资源信用的概念,通过资源信用描述资源的可靠性和动态性。初步定义了影响网格资源信用的关键因素,给出了网格资源信用的简单计算方法。通过将资源信用模型嵌入资源调度系统,尽量将任务分配给信用值较好的资源以提高系统的可靠性。实验结果表明,引入资源信用模型后,网格系统的稳定性有了明显提高,说明网格资源信用模型是有效的。 The concept of resource credit is introduced, and is used to describe the reliability and dynamic properties of resources. The key factors which influence resource credit are defined. The simple arithmetic to calculate resource credit is introduced. Through embedding the resource credit model into resource managing systems, the resource having the higher credit will receive tasks at a higher rate, and thus the grid system is more reliable. Experimental results show that the system which has embedded resource credit model can provide more stable services, meaning that the resource credit model is effective.
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期971-973,共3页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60373057)
关键词 信用模型 资源预测 启发式算法 衰减函数 奖励函数 credit model resource prediction heuristics algorithm attenuation function reward function
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