在《源氏物语》和《红楼梦》的比较研究中 ,“好色”是个颇受关注而且争论较多的问题。日中学者对“好色” ,尤其是《源氏物语》中的“好色”的认识、理解和态度、评价截然不同。日本学者对《源氏物语》的“好色”一般持赞赏、同情、肯定的态度 ,而中国学者则大多给予批判、否定的评价。产生这种不同的最重要的原因是日中古代文化对“好色”的认识角度和价值判断标准存在根本性的差异 :中国传统文化往往从礼乐教化的角度出发认识“好色” ,以伦理道德为价值判断标准来评价“好色” ;而日本固有的文化则不以伦理道德来审视“好色”的善恶 ,它从情感、审美出发 ,采取以真、美为主的判断、审美基准。对此 ,我们应该把两部小说放在各自的文化背景中考察 ,在比较评价时遵循文化相对主义原则。
Eroticism is a major concern and a controversial issue in the comparative studies of The Tale of Genji and Dream of the Red Chamber. The Japanese and Chinese Scholars differ widely in their perception, apprehension, attitude and appreciation of eroticism. While the Japanese maintain a positive and sympathetic attitude towards it, the Chinese take a critical and negative eye on it. The most important reason for this lies in the radical difference in the epistemological and moral standards for judging eroticism in both cultures: the ancient Chinese used to judge it according to the Confucian moral codes, while the Japanese were obsessed with the emotional and aesthetical. This considered, the principle of Cultural Relativism should be followed in the comparative studies of the two novels whose respective cultural background should be first examined.
Literature & Art Studies