在某种意义上 ,黄宾虹是 2 0世纪中国美术本体论最早的觉悟者。他所处的时代 ,是欲“革”玩赏笔墨的文人画的命 ,建立艺术与现实、与民众息息相关的“为人生的艺术”的时代 ,黄宾虹的艺术似乎与此游离。那么 ,如何认识黄宾虹艺术的“时代性” ?如何认识形成黄宾虹艺术思想的社会文化原因 ?本文试图从三个方面探寻 2 0世纪初海上文化对于确立黄宾虹艺术思想的影响。
In a sense, Huang Binhong was the first one who became aware of ontology in 20th century Chinese arts. In his time, paintings of the literati were to be revolutionized because they were merely play of brushes, and art was said to be closely connected with the masses, and therefore it should be related to the reality, and “an art for the people” should be established. Huang Binhong’s art seemed to be far away from this and therefore motivates such questions as how to locate the Zeitgeist in his art and how to analyze the social and cultural factors that helped form his thought of art. This article aims to answer these questions by tracing the way that Huang Binhong and his art were influenced by Shanghai culture at the beginning of 20th century.
Literature & Art Studies