贾岛是中唐后期的重要诗人 ,他以“苦吟”诗名世 ,其“苦吟”的做诗态度与方法对后世产生了深远的影响。历代学习贾岛“苦吟” ,不仅学习其“苦吟”诗歌创作的范式与方法 ,更多的是向一种“苦吟”精神的回归。贾岛借“苦吟”寒士的落寞孤介情怀 ,宣泄对社会不平的怨愤 ;又以禅宗思想的审美意趣为导向 ,在营造空寂幽寒的意境中 ,淡化现实的苦闷 。
Jia Dao was one of the important poets in the middle of Tang Dynasty(618-906).He was famous for has method of making poetry by means of “Bitter Reciting”,which had great effect on the creating of poetry in the people in the later age.People learnt from Jia Dao not only the method of creating poetry,but the spirit of the poetry.Jia Dao expressed his complaint about the unequal society by the way of “Bitter Reciting” person's isolation and disappointment.He referred the Dyane theory as his philosophy on which he acted and thought.He also created a deep and remote realm which decrease the gloomy feeling in the secular society and transcend the suffering of the secular society and reach the deep meditation with the difficult surroundings.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College