采用PD50 效检方法 ,对 0 30 4 0 4 1 2批猪口蹄疫O型灭活疫苗 (I型苗 )进行不同攻毒剂量的PD50 检测。结果表明 ,分别用 5 0 0ID50 、10 0 0ID50 、2 0 0 0ID50 和 4 0 0 0ID50 的病毒进行攻毒 ,疫苗每头份分别含 5 .2、3.6、2 .1和 1.0个PD50 。该项试验的攻毒毒株ORMF8的ID50 为 10 - 7.0 /2mL ,MID为10 - 6 .0 /2mL。
The PD_(50)(50% protective dose) potency of food and mouth disease(FMD) type O swine vaccine batch 0304041-2 was detected on pigs with different challenge viral dosage.The results showed that the potency was 5.2、(3.6)、2.1、1.0 PD_(50) per dose when using 500、1 000、2 000、4 000 ID_(50)which is the median infective dose as the challenge viral dosage, respectively. The results of virulence detection of FMD virus type O ORMF8 showed that the ID_(50) was 10^(-7.0) per 2 mL and the MID which is the minimal infecting dose was 10^(-6.0) per 2 mL.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug