西部地区在当前的新时期新形势下 ,如何走新型工业化道路 ,赶上全国和发达省区的水平 ,除分析和研究国内外信息化发展的态势和特点 ,充分利用国内外两种资源 ,开拓国内市场和国际市场外 ,应着重发展信息产业 ,缩小“数字鸿沟” 。
Currently, western area stands at the new stage of new situation. In order to blaze the new industrialization and keep pace with national and developed provincial level, it's necessary to analyze and research the trend and character of national and international information development, to make the best use of these two resources, and to explore national and international market. In addition, inevitable choice of economic development is to stree information industry and narrow digitization gap.
Journal of Jinzhu University of Guiyang