本文首先从模具结构设计方面 ,分析了排样与搭边、模具导向结构、模具几何参数对模具寿命的影响 ;指出了合理选材并采用模具新材料对提高模具寿命的重要性 ;研究了 5CrMnMo钢制尾翅热锻模的高温淬火处理工艺与CrWMn钢制活动外桩冷冲凹模的低温淬火处理工艺 ,指出合理采用强韧处理工艺是提高模具寿命的又一条途径。最后列举了各种表面强化处理技术对模具寿命的影响。
The influence of the factors,such as arranging and ribband,orienting structure,geometric parameters,on the lifespan of mould,is discussed in this article in view of the structure design.And by Study of the high-temperature heat treatment of 5CrMnMo steel forging mould and the low-temperature quenching treatment of CrWMn steel pressing convex mould,some appropriate strong toughness disposal is proved a new way toward the improvement of the lifespan of the mould.At last,somexamples of the influence of the surface toughness disposal on the lifespan of the mould are given.
Journal of Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering