优秀运动员的文化教育工作是我国竞技体育改革和发展的重大问题之一。通过对河南省在训运动员大学生文化教育现状和现存问题及其原因的分析 ,力图探究促进我国在训运动员大学生文化教育事业快速发展的对策与教育创新模式。
It is an important thing for China during the course of reform and further development of sport to carry out education for elite athletes. The paper analyzes the current situation of education for elite athletes on training of Henan Province, and finds out some problems and discusses its causes. The paper also brings out some countermeasures to cope with those problems. In the end, the author designs a creative model of education for elite athletes on training.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University