运动动机是人们参加运动的动力 ,它具有启动人的行为并使行为以一定强度在运动活动中保持的特性。调研当前大学生体育课动机 ,探讨有利于激发学生的运动兴趣 ,养成坚持体育锻炼的习惯 ,形成勇敢顽强和坚忍不拔的意志品质的途径 ,为高校体育改革提供参考依据。
Sports Motive is a kind of power for people to take part in athletic activities, and characterized as to start man' s behavior and let it to be in keeping with a certain intensity. This thesis is to investigate the PE motive, probs into the ways for arousing students' sports interest, cultivating their with the habit (custom) in keeping athletic exercise, and brave a kind of brave and strong fiber, so as to offer reference for the PE teaching reform of the colleges.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University