
心脏停搏技术的研究进展 被引量:1

Progress in research on cardiac arrest technique
摘要 外科手术中的心脏停搏可选择通过诱导心脏去极化、超极化、极化或影响钙机制来实施完成。心脏高 K+ 去极化停搏技术被认为是心脏停搏技术中的金标准 ,可提供良好的心肌保护 ,但术后仍伴随不同程度的附加心肌损伤。诱导心脏超极化、极化或影响钙机制等心脏停搏技术的研究近年来逐渐增多 ,但在临床常规应用之前尚需长期研究。 Effective cardiac arrest during surgery can be achieved by depolarization, hyperpolarization, polarization, or influencing calcium mechanisms. Cardiac depolarization with hyperkalemia is known as the golden standard of cardiac arrest technique, which can exert effective myocardial protection, but following any additive myocardial injury after surgery. Recently, stu- dies of cardiac arrest including hyperpolarization, polarization, or influencing calcium mechanisms are increasing, but more characterization and research are required before these techniques could be considered for routine clinical use.
出处 《中国心血管杂志》 2004年第6期455-457,共3页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
关键词 心脏停搏 心肌保护 Cardiac arrest Myocardial Protection
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