香精油及其组分具有显著的抗螨效果。萜类化合物 (主要是单萜 )是香精油的主要成分 ,占总量的 90 %左右。研究者通过筛选试验测定了多种香精油及其一些组分的抗螨能力 ,大部分表现出良好的抗螨效果 ,但只有少部分在蜂群试验中表现出强抗螨能力。因此 ,有必要对此作进一步的研究 ,以达到最优化目标。同时联合其它防治手段 ,建立一套全面的害虫防治策略 。
s:Essential oils and essential oil components offer an attractive alternative to synthetic acarcides for the control for Varroa jacobsoni.Terpenes(mainly monoterpenes)are the main components of essential oil,comprising about 90% of the total.Many kinds of essential oils and components of essential oils have been evaluated in laboratory screening tests and most of them show an excellent acaricides.However,few of them have proven successfully when tested in field, Efforts are necessary to optimize the use of these substances and to incorporate them.Along with other measures for limiting mite populations into an integrated pest management strategy for control of Varroa jacobsoni.
Apicultural Science and Technology