
农业上应用生物互作效应和物质循环理论(英文) 被引量:1

Utilizatin of biological interactions and matter cycling in agriculture
摘要 目前,现代化的农业生产系统建立在大量燃料的消耗上,虽然西方发达国家在近半个世纪的发展过程已经证明这是一种见效快、经济产值高的生产方式,但是随着在世界范围内可持续发展观念的日趋重视,这种生产方式的弊端也逐渐地受到人们的注意。1)原有农业生产方式需要消耗大量的燃料资源;2)虽然肥料、农药和大型机械的应用不断提高,但近几年农作物的生产和产量表现出停滞状态;3)燃料及其副产品的不断使用导致环境逐渐退化。因此,这种农业生产方式必然会被另一种投入少、更有利于可持续发展的生产方式所取代。笔者认为生物—环境互作理论和物质循环法则将会为新型农业的发展提供解决的方法。因此,作者提出的2项研究具有相当的重要性。1)阐明生物间综合作用的结构,以及生物体之间、生物与环境之间相互作用的关系;2)如何在农业生态系统上有效的应用物质循环法则。同时,将会大幅度的减少人类对燃料的依赖。 The modern system of agriculture, which depends on the consumption of large quantities of fossil fuel, will be forced to change to a system where the interactions between organisms and environment and matter cycling are properly used for 3 reasons: 1) the depletion of readily available fossil fuel resources, 2) the level-off of the growth and yield response of crops with the increase in the use of fertilizer, agrochemicals and big machinery, and 3) the degradation of the environment along with the consumption of fossil fuel and its derived agrochemicals. It is thus essential to promote further the following 2 types of studies: 1) elucidation of the structure and use of complex biological interactions, and cause-effect relationship operating among organisms and between organisms and their environment, and 2) effective use of matter cycling in agricultural ecosystems. Effective use of biological interactions and matter cycling will reduce the dependence of agriculture on fossil fuel.
作者 盐见正卫
出处 《草业学报》 CSCD 2004年第6期117-123,共7页 Acta Prataculturae Sinica
关键词 可选择农业 综合生物利用 物质循环 alternative agriculture complex biological interactions matter cycling
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