随着改革开放的不断深入 ,市场经济建设的迅速发展 ,我国的社会治安形势和企业单位内部治安状况发生了很大变化 ,出现了许多新情况、新问题。加强企业内保工作一是及时调整内保工作职能 ;二是加强情报信息工作 ;三是健全群防群治组织 ;四是坚持打击和防范并举 ;五是提升内保民警和保卫工作的地位。
Great changes have taken place in security situation of enterprises and China with the development of open policy and market economy. Some new issues occurred. To improve the security of enterprises, the following work has to be paid attention to: adjusting the function of security; strengthening intelligence exchange; improving organizations made up of the public; combining fight with prevention; promoting the status of the police of national security and the work itself.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College