“沙包”对于散手运动员来说 ,是必不可少的一种专门性训练手段 ,运用的恰当与否直接关系到运动员临场实战水平的发挥。本文对不同级别运动员和不同训练目的宜选用的“沙包”重量作了具体论述 ,旨在使教练员、运动员训练中科学、合理地选择“沙包”的重量。
Hitting “Sand Bags” is essential to freehand fighting athletes.How to train them to do it is very important to their achievement in competition.The author discusses how athletes of different categories get different results by using “Sand Bags” of defferent weights.The article is meant to acquaint both coaches and athletes with the fact that in training,“Sand Bags” of different weights should be chosen scientifically and reasonably according to athletes’categories.
Shandong Sports Science & Technology