
大爆炸宇宙论与基督教创世论 被引量:1

The Big Bang and Creationist theory
摘要 大爆炸理论仍是一种科学假设,具有许多不完备之处。这可能仍旧给创世论留下地盘。阿奎那对他那个时代的科学并不陌生,以至于神学家认为可以填补大爆炸与创世论的鸿沟。大爆炸论解释的是宇宙产生的过程,而不涉及“存在”的问题。大爆炸涉及的仅是偶然存在,而非“必然存在”。大爆炸的“奇点”应当指向更高的存在。创世论关涉到宇宙的开端(beginning),关涉到为什么是“有”而不是“无”的问题,大爆炸论则涉及宇宙的起源(origin)和“有”的过程。 The Big Bang is usually defined as a random,charce event,Creationist maintains that what really happened at the the of scation is that god speke and them earth appered .Scriptures does not imply an explosion,But secular science seems to have tken one step in the creationist diection.Some scholars think that as long as we try to explain the universe apart from the creator and without regard to bibical affimations,we will continue to be dazzled.The absoulte origin of the universe in the Big Bang singularity,contradicts the perennial nahmalistic assumption that the universe has always existed.The contingence implied by an absolute begiming ex nihilo points to a transcendent cause of the universe.The article discusses the difference and agrcement helween the Big Bang theory ad the Chritisn doctrine of creation.
作者 安希孟
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期13-19,共7页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"当代基督教神学与科学" 批准号为00BZJ005
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