进入21世纪,建立核心竞争力问题引起我国企事业单位的普遍关注。文章解释了什么是核心竞争 力,对东华理工学院特色和优势从历史、学科设置、服务面等角度进行了阐述,就学院的核心竞争力的形成 进行了分析,并对如何打造和提升东华理工学院核心竞争力提出建议。
While entering into 21th century, setting up the key competing strength has caused common concerns of Chinese enterprises and institutions, the thesis explains the concept of the Key Competing Strength and East China Institute of Technology's characteristics and superiority from history, course setting and services offered, analyses how the institutes the Key Competing Strength come into'being, then offers suggestions on how to make and improve the Key Competing Strength of East China Institute of Technology.