黄宾虹从笔墨中找到中国画发展创新的途径 ,穷其一生研究用笔用墨的方法规律 ,然而他透过笔墨的表面现象 ,看到了“笔墨精神”及笔墨精神所表达的自然生命节律与神韵之内美 ,这只是黄宾虹笔墨价值所昭示的一个方面。他绘画的全部内涵通过作品本身的笔墨建构来实现。它不靠诗文题跋的想象与补充 ,画就是画本身笔墨之间的种种构成关系 ,也就是从自然中悟得的种种感觉与内美。将绘画还原给“视觉器官”回归到艺术本体 ,可谓在董其昌之后对绘画本体的开拓作了又一次总结 ,从而将传统文人画推进到一个可与现代审美要求相衔接的新阶段 ,这对开启未来绘画创新有着重要意义。黄宾虹的笔墨价值还在于它在东方文化背景上不期然地与西方文化取得了某种“交汇” ,使中国绘画在自身演进中与西方现代绘画形成某种暗合 。
In his life Mr. Huang Binhong experimented the new app ro aches of the Chinese traditional painting in his use of ink and writing brush, c arrying research in the different techniques of this kind of painting. However, through the surface of the practice, he visualized the spirit of ink and brush, the natural life tempo and romantic charm revealed by the spirit of ink and pain ting brush, which is just one of the messages his paintings convey to us. The co nnotation of his paintings is fully accomplished in paintings themselves rather than relying on the imaginary poems and supplemental postscripts. The paintings are mainly the perceptions of internal beauty of nature with the complicated con struction of ink, strokes and lines. His paintings are the highlights of the era after Dong Qichang, exploring into the property of fine arts itself , returning paintings appropriately to visual sense and promoting the traditional paintings for men of letters to a new one which is able to bear the characteristics of mo dern aesthetic conceptions and quite important for opening a new future of the t raditional painting. With a deep-rooted background of eastern culture Mr. Huang ’s paintings coincidently serve as a joint point to communicate with the cultur e of the western world, making the traditional Chinese paintings in its evolutio n and development merge with the modern western paintings imperceptibly and shar ing the characteristics of the modern paintings of abstraction school.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges
Huang Binhong, traditional Chinese paintings, the value of ink and painting brush, the spirit of ink and painting brush, focus on the i nternal aesthetics