在当前数字信息技术和网络技术高速发展的后PC(Post -PC)时代 ,嵌入式系统已经广泛地渗透到日常生活方方面面中。随着国内外各种嵌入式产品的进一步开发和推广 ,嵌入式技术越来越和人们的生活紧密结合。掌握和了解嵌入式系统的设计原理 ,设计出实用的嵌入式系统 ,是对计算机使用者提出的一个新的挑战。
In the period of digital technique and information technique advance at high speed,Real-time Operating System has already wildly infiltrated into our life.Real Time technique integrates with people's life with more and more produces made by different countries.It is necessary to us to grasp and use the Real Time theory to make our Real Time produces.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges