
Local Search Algorithm with Hybrid Neighborhood and Its Application to Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Local Search Algorithm with Hybrid Neighborhood and Its Application to Job Shop Scheduling Problem
摘要 A new local search method with hybrid neighborhood for Job shop scheduling problem is developed. The proposed hybrid neighborhood is not only efficient in local search, but also can help overcome entrapments while search procedure get trapped at local optima and carry the search to areas of the feasible set with better prospect. New strategies used for breaking out of entrapments are presented and they are helpful for the procedure to improve local optima. A performance comparison of the proposed method with some best-performing algorithms on all 10-job, 10-machine benchmark problems and the other two problems generated by Fisher and Thompson (ie., FT6 and FT20)is made. The experiment results show the better optimal performance of the proposed algorithm. A new local search method with hybrid neighborhood for Job shop scheduling problem is developed. The proposed hybrid neighborhood is not only efficient in local search, but also can help overcome entrapments while search procedure get trapped at local optima and carry the search to areas of the feasible set with better prospect. New strategies used for breaking out of entrapments are presented and they are helpful for the procedure to improve local optima. A performance comparison of the proposed method with some best-performing algorithms on all 10-job, 10-machine benchmark problems and the other two problems generated by Fisher and Thompson (ie., FT6 and FT20)is made. The experiment results show the better optimal performance of the proposed algorithm.
出处 《Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition)》 2004年第2期95-100,共6页 西南交通大学学报(英文版)
基金 TheNationalGrandFundamentalResearch973ProgramofChina (No .G19980 30 6 0 0 )
关键词 Job shop scheduling Local search Hybrid neighborhood Off-trap strategy Job shop scheduling Local search Hybrid neighborhood Off-trap strategy
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