介绍了一种声波法测冲击器频率的方法。录音软件驱动计算机采集声音、模/数转换、存储、播放声音等;声音处理软件以波形图的形式打开文件,使用户能够读出波峰 数及相对应的时间,从而计算出频率。模拟试验结论表明,声波法测出的冲击频率与实 际频率是一致的,具有可行性。
The paper introduces a kind of sonic method by which frequency of impacter is measured. Recording software drives computer collect sound, convert A/D, store and play sound etc., software processing sound open sound file saved in the form of oscillogram to let user identify number of crest and corresponding time, thus frequency can be worked out. The result of analogue test shows that frequency of impacter measured by sonic method consists with actual frequency and the method is feasible.
Mining & Processing Equipment