A parallel numerical model was established for solving the Navier-Stokesequations by using Sequential Regu-larization Method (SRM). The computational domain is decomposedinto P sub-domains in which the difference formulae were obtained from the governing equations. Thedata were exchannged at the virtual boundary of sub-domains in parallel computation. Theclose-channel cavity flow was solved by the implicit method. The driven square cavity flow wassolved by the explicit method. The results were compared well those given by Ghia.
A parallel numerical model was established for solving the Navier-Stokesequations by using Sequential Regu-larization Method (SRM). The computational domain is decomposedinto P sub-domains in which the difference formulae were obtained from the governing equations. Thedata were exchannged at the virtual boundary of sub-domains in parallel computation. Theclose-channel cavity flow was solved by the implicit method. The driven square cavity flow wassolved by the explicit method. The results were compared well those given by Ghia.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina.(GrantNo :6 97730 2 1)