In this paper, the climatic characteristics of typhoon over the West Pacific is analysed based on the data set of 1951-1987. It shows that in the years of plentiful typhoon the mean location of occuring of typhoon is norther and wester, the intensity is weaker and the landing number is also more than the normal; in the years of deficient typhoon things are inverse. It is found that there is close relation between the typhoon activities and the low frequency fluctuation of tropical ocean atmosphere couoling, and that the mean formation number and the landing number of typhcon in EL Nino years were less than the normal, while the mean occuring location of typhcon is souther and easter then the normal and its intensitv is weaker than the normal; in an anti-El Nino vears things go contrary. These characteristics relate closely to the variations of the West Pacific subtropical high and ITCZ and the strong convective region.
Journal of the Meteorological Sciences