随着电脑技术的发展 ,视窗技术和VisualBasic、VisualC + +等应用软件为用户提供了极其方便的可视化软件的编程环境。根据国家授时中心守时工作的实际需求 ,为地方原子时TA(NTSC) (NationalTimeServiceCenter)的计算开发了一套可视性强、自动化程度高的计算程序 ,以利于日常计算与资料分析。对该软件的硬件背景、软件设计思想和软件的具体内容作了介绍。
Along with the rapid development of Microsoft Window Technology,the application softwares such as Visual Basic and Visual C++ offer the programmers a very useful and convenient programming environment for making their own visual softwares.A new software for calculating the local atomic time scale of TA(NTSC) has been developed and applied to the routine work at the Standard Time and Frequency Laboratory,the National Time Service Center.The software is programmed under the environment of Visual Basic 6.0.It consists of 6 windows for operating the calculation,displaying results and curves of all the working clocks and the module part consists of 20 sub routines or functions.The blocks that describe the process of the whole program are shown and the routines as well as functions are described briefly in the paper.
Journal of Time and Frequency