The larvae of Sepedon and their allies are well known to kill the snail Lymnaea, which is an intermediate host of the duck schistomiasis,and the cercaria of the latter also causes paddyfield dermatitis in man.On the Other hand,the egg of snail-killing fly is an im- portant alternate host of Trichogramma,the egg-parasite of paddy borer,in rice field.It is of fairly benefit to agriculture as well as to health. In 1965,some bionomics of the common species Sepedon aenescens Wied was briefly ob- served in Shanghai,Hangzhou and several areas in Fujian Province,China.In spring,the adults may be found on the weeds,water weeds,rapeseed plants in full blossom,especially on wheats near by creeks,streams or ponds.Just after wheat harvest,the population of these in- sects decreases.When the rice has been planted widespreadly in late summer,the flies frequent the rice field and rest on the lower part of rice stems,and then the fly density may be very high,where the host,small muddy snail Lymnaea parva,presents abundantly.While in marsh, shallow ponds and narrow grassy creeks,their host is Lymnaea swinhoei. The adult lasts 2 months in laboratory in spring,and 40 or 50 days in summer.An egg batch generally consists of 20 to 30 eggs.The larvae may be reared by living Lymnaea snails, but whether the larva can attack the living Lymnaea snail is related to the larval stage and the host size.One larva takes or kills a living snail per day on the average.From egglaying to adult emerging,it lasts about 20 days at mean temperature 26℃,and about 13 days at 32℃.A redescription of Sepedon aenescens Wied is given in detail.
Entomological Journal of East China