The Alternating Segment Crank-Nicolson scheme for one-dimensional diffusion equation has been developed in [ 1 ], and the Alternating Block Crank-Nicolson method for two-dimensional problem in [2]. The methods have the advantages of parallel computing, stability and good accuracy. Tn this paper for the two-dimensional diffusion equation, the net region is divided into bands, a special kind of block. This method is called the alternating Band Crank-Nicolson method.
The Alternating Segment Crank-Nicolson scheme for one-dimensional diffusion equation has been developed in [ 1 ], and the Alternating Block Crank-Nicolson method for two-dimensional problem in [2]. The methods have the advantages of parallel computing, stability and good accuracy. Tn this paper for the two-dimensional diffusion equation, the net region is divided into bands, a special kind of block. This method is called the alternating Band Crank-Nicolson method.
The work presented in this paper was supported by the National Science Foundation of China