
谷朊粉废水提取物在肉制品中的应用 被引量:2

The Application of Pentosans Extracted from Wheat Starch Waste Water for Meat Product
摘要 介绍了一种从谷朊粉废水中提取戊聚糖的工艺,由此工艺得到的产品(戊聚糖质量分数约70%,蛋白质质量分数约20%)能较好地保持戊聚糖的特性.研究了其它添加剂(卡拉胶)对戊聚糖的乳化性,戊聚糖对肉制品持油、持水性以及其质构的影响.谷朊粉废弃水提取物与卡拉胶的复配产品在添加量(质量分数)为6%时能使肉制品有较好的持油性和相应的质构. There is much pentosans in waste water of wheat starch. With certain indexes, such as emulsification, viscosity and the association function with protein and so on, the pentosans could be well utilized for the meat production. This paper mainly describes a new feasible process to extract the pentosans from wheat starch waste water to keep certain indexes. The product (The pentosans: approximate 70% , protein: 20% and a little starch) could be applied for the meat production. Simultaneously, the influence of pentosans and the other preservative on the emulsification, the association function with oil and texture of sausage was studied. The product showed a good capacity of oil and texture of sausage at the level of A 6%, (A: pentosans 85%, carrageeenenl5 % ).
出处 《无锡轻工大学学报(食品与生物技术)》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期77-80,共4页 Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry
关键词 小麦淀粉废水 戊聚糖 肉制品 waste water of wheat starch pentosans meat production
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