
不同碳源对LactococcusFML02-8合成胞外多糖的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Carbon Sources on Exopolysaccharides Produced by Lactococcus FML02-8
摘要 FML02-8分别以葡萄糖、果糖、乳糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、乳清粉为碳源合成不同量、不同结构的胞外多糖,经红外光谱分析,波形、特征吸收波段、波峰强度均有差别;用HPLC法测得的相对分子质量分别为:41 092,54 029,45 468,46 996,46 257,45 468;用气相色谱法分析得到的单糖组成及摩尔比均不同.结果表明,碳源不仅影响FML02-8合成EPS的产量,而且影响EPS的结构,包括相对分子质量、单糖组成及摩尔比等. Strain FML02-8 can use different carbon sources to synthesize EPS with different amounts and structures. EPSG , EPSF , EPSL , EPSS, EPSM , EPSW from different carbon sources were measured by infrared spectroscopic method to analyze their structures preliminarily. All of infrared spectroscopic results showed characteristic band of EPS. The bands were identified as pyranose,mostly in the form of α-conformation, but the band shape, characteristic absorption region and intensity of peak were different. Peak molecular weigh (MP ) of different EPS were measured through HPLC, and the results were 41 092,54 029,45 468,46 996,46 257,45 468 respectively. EPS were also measured by GC to analyze the composition and mole rate of monosaccharides. The results indicated that, besides the yield of EPS, different carbon sources also affect the structures of EPS, including molecular weight, monosaccharide composition and their mole rate, etc.
出处 《无锡轻工大学学报(食品与生物技术)》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期13-17,共5页 Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2002AA248041)江苏高技术研究发展计划(BG2004322)资助课题
关键词 乳球菌 碳源 胞外多糖 产量 相对分子质量 单糖组成 Lactococcus carbon sources exopolysaccharides production molecular weight monosaccharide composition
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