
水蒸气/氨活化在脉冲电晕脱硫工业中试装置上的应用 被引量:1

Application of the activated vapor and ammoniain the PPCP pilot FGD plant
摘要 在工业中试装置上进行了水蒸气 /氨活化实验 ,同时开展了脉冲电源的调试运行、脱硫副产物收集一体化、工艺参数以及对副产物成份分析等实验。在烟气流量 45 0 0~ 110 0 0 m3/h、反应器入口温度 60~ 70℃、氨硫化学计量比约 1∶ 1、系统连续运行和采用一体化的单电场进行脱硫副产物收集的条件下 ,得到结果 :水蒸气 /氨活化脱硫效果明显 ,并且有较好的副产物收集功能 ,收集效率 2 0 %~ 30 % ;副产物中 SO2 - 4∶SO2 - 3大于 95∶ 5 ,脱硫效率稳定大于 90 % ,副产物收率大于 85 %。 Experiments on the PPCP pilot flue gas desuflurization (FGD) plant with the activated ammonia and vapor were made while adjustments of the pulse generator and integration of the plasma reactor with the byproduct catcher were conducted, and composition of the byproduct was analyzed. With a flue gas flow of 4 500~11 000 m+3-N/h, and temperature about 60~70 ℃ at the entrance of the plasma reactor, and stoichiometric ratio of NH-3 to SO-2 about 1∶1, and stable continuous operation of the facility, and single electric field integrated with the plasma reactor to collect the byproduct, the results can be achieved that byproduct collection efficiency 20%~30% by the activated ammonia and vapor electric field, and over 85% by the catcher with one electric field, and ratio of the SO 2- 4∶SO 2- 3 in the byproduct over 95∶5, and SO-2 removal over 90 percent.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期421-423,共3页 Environmental Pollution & Control
基金 国家"8 63"计划资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1AA64 2 0 10 )
关键词 副产物 中试装置 活化 水蒸气 入口温度 脱硫效率 收率 脉冲电晕 SO3^2- 收集 DesulfurizationPulsed plasmaActivated vapor/ammonia
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