用比较分析法和多目标最优化法对不同的杨梅疏果量与投入、产量、产值、效益的关系进行比较、分析表明 :疏果措施可提高杨梅的品质 ,增加产值和收益 ,当疏果量达到 6 0 %时有最大的纯收益 ,疏果量达到 70 %时有最好的投资效果 ,6 0 %~ 70
The comparisons and analyses of relations between various Myrica rubra fruit thinning amounts and input,yield,output value,and benefit accordingly were conducted with relative analysis method and multi-objective optimized method,this paper showed that fruit thinning method might raise M.rubra quality,might increase output value and benefit,the pure benefit was biggest with the fruit thinning amount of 60%,the investment effect was best with that of 70%,the fruit thinning amount of 60%~70% was the best M.rubra fruit thinning seheme.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology