近年来 ,我国纤维板工业高速发展 ,技术水平也得到不断提升 ,同时也带来企业生产水平参差不齐、无序竞争、原料供应不足等问题 ,对如何实现我国纤维板工业可持续发展提出了建设原料林基地、调整产品结构、进行资产重组。
In recent years,the fibreboard industry developed at top speed in our country,the technological level was raised continually,meanwhile,the problems of uneven enterprise development level,competition out of order,short supply of raw material,etc.appeared,the suggestions of building raw material forest base,adjusting the product structure,reorganization of assets,developing the industry self-discipline,and so on were raised in view of how to realize the fibreboard industry sustainable development in our country.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology