目的:为提高新生儿锁骨下静脉穿刺术的成功率,避免其邻近结构损伤形成的并发症。方法:对50例新生儿尸体锁骨下静脉及其相关结构进行了观察和测量。结果:锁骨下静脉起始处外径4.6±0.8mm,末端外径6.2±0.8mm,长度为18.6±2.0mm。锁骨下静脉与锁骨下缘交点处皮肤至锁骨下静脉前壁的垂直距离为10.0±1.4mm。锁骨下静脉与锁骨下面交点的角度为38.2±11. 4°,交点指数为39.1%。结论:新生儿锁骨下静脉穿刺进针部位应以锁骨内、中1/3交点的稍外侧为宜。
Objective:To improve the puncture of subclavian vein and avoid injury to some associated structures . Methods: The subclavian vein and the adjacent tissues were observed and measured on 50 mewborn cadavers . Results: The diameter of the subclavian vein measures 4. 6 ± 0. 8mm in beginning, 6.2 ±0. 8mm in end and 18.6 ± 2.0mm in length. It lies 10.0 ± 1.4mm deep under the skin and muscles in the infracclavicu-lar region. The angle between the vein and the clavicle is 38 .2° ± 11.4°; copulation point on index is 39. 1 % . Conclusion: Puncture usually lies behind the medial third of the clavical. The application of these data in vein puncture was also discussed in this article.
Anatomy and Clinics