目的 为了解南澎列岛恙虫病立克次体疫源地情况。方法 本文利用免疫荧光法(IFA),检测了驻岛部队官兵和临时居住岛上的渔民等人群血清抗恙虫病立克次体IgG(抗—Rt.IgG)以及啮齿类动物和鸟畜类动物血清抗RtIgG。结果 岛上人群血清抗RtIgG阳性率为8.5%;鼠血清阳性率为64.8%;鸟畜类血清未检出阳性。被检出的抗恙虫病抗体血清型别有Karp型、Ka-to型和Gilliam型三型,以Karp型为主。生态调查表明,岛上啮齿动物种类以褐家鼠为主,其次是黄胸鼠、白腹鼠、社鼠和臭鼩鼱。褐家鼠的感染率最高,为63.3%。结论 南澎列岛驻岛人群和鼠类存在较高的恙虫病自然感染情况,褐家鼠为主要贮存宿主,在该地恙虫病传播中起重要作用。
Objective In order to reveal the nature focus of Rickettsia Tsutsugamushi in Nanpen islands. Method IFA was chosen to measure the antibody against RT in the serum of the local people and the animals. Result The people and the rats were positive except other animals, the positive rates of the people and the rats were 8. 5% and 64. 8% , the serotype were Karp type.Kato type and Gilliam type,the Karp was mostly type. Zoology investigate showed Rattus Norvegious was mostly rodents, infectious rates of Rattus Norveg-ious was 63. 3%. Conclusion The results indicated the local people and the rats had higher infections of Tsutsugamushi diseaese in the islands,the Rattus Norvegious was the most important host of RT in this focus.
Journal of Medical Pest Control