目的探讨促红细胞生成素(Erythropoietin ,EPO) 在系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)贫血发生机制中的作用。方法从48例SLE患者中选取38例伴贫血患者,采用放射免疫法测定其血清促红细胞生成素(Serum Erythropoietin,sEPO)的水平,分析sEPO与血红蛋白(Hb)的相关性;同时以缺铁性贫血(IDA)患者的sEPO对贫血的反应作为贫血状态下sEPO对Hb正常相关关系的对照,测定37例IDA患者的sEPO,并进行相关回归分析。结果SLE伴贫血组的sEPO水平明显低于IDA患者组(P <0.001)。SLE伴贫血组及IDA组的Hb与sEPO均呈明显的直线负相关关系(rSLE=-0.579,PSLE<0.001;rIDA=-0.548,PIDA<0.001)。SLE伴贫血组Hb-sEPO回归直线的斜率(bSLE=-0.0097)与在Y轴上的截距(aSLE=1.6741)均小于IDA组(bIDA=-0.0291,aIDA= 4.3204)。结论SLE伴贫血患者普遍存在sEPO相对缺乏,表现为sEPO对贫血反应迟钝。
Objective: To study the role of Erythropoietin(EPO) in the pathogenesis of anemia of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Methods: The serum EPO was evaluated by radioimmunoassay in 38 anemic SLE patients from 48 SLE patients and 37 Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA ) patients and the relativity with sEPO and haemoglobin (Hb) level was analysed. The IDA patients was used as a control group on the normal response of sEPO to Hb and the regression analysis was used to get linear equation about it. Results: sEPO levels in anemia of SLE patients were lower than those of IDA patients (P <0.001). There was a significant linear correlation between Hb and sEPO in anemic SLE patients and in IDA patients (rSLE=-0.579, PSLE<0.001; rIDA=-0.548, PIDA<0.001). Regression coefficient (bSLE=-0.0097) and Y-intercept (aSLE=1.6741) of anemic SLE patients were both lower than that of IDA patients (bIDA=-0.0291, aIDA=4.3204). Conclusions: sEPO level is relatively deficient in anemia of SLE .
China Journal of Modern Medicine