本文从植物遗传改良等因素比较了肯尼亚与中国的茶产业。中国茶区辽阔 ,生态条件多样化 ,各地分别适宜种植不同类型的茶树品种 ;而肯尼亚则受到较大制约。中国茶区分布在亚热带和温带的高海拔地区和平原地区 ,肯尼亚茶区则限于气温凉爽、雨量充沛而且降雨量分布均匀的高海拔地区。茶原产于中国 ,而且有数千年的茶树栽培历史。肯尼亚和中国两国的历史和气候条件不同 ,茶树品种的适应性亦有差异 ,种茶“传统”和生态条件使肯尼亚开发利用的茶树品种具有保守性 ,其茶树历史起源与印度类似。随着肯尼亚茶树品种的演变及挑战性的显现 ,有必要对其经验和教训进行回顾。本文同时概述了两国在茶产业管理结构、挑战性和茶树遗传改良的机遇 。
The present paper compares the tea crop in Kenya and China from plant genetic improvement perspective with the associated plant improvement factors. Comparison is made for ecological production conditions noting the vast area lying under different environmental conditions for China that are suitable for growing of the different varieties of tea to the limited choice of conditions in Kenya. China has both subtropical and temperate conditions in both elevated and low altitude areas in which tea is conditioned to grow unlike Kenya that grows its tea specifically in cool high altitude areas that have high and well-disiributed rainfall. Tea is noted to have originated in China and has been under cultivation in that country for thousands of years. Historical development and climatic conditions in the respective countries is noted to have been key in determining the choice in the selection and adaptation of the different varieties within different regions and between the two countries. However, producer preferences, and “tradition” of tea growing and ecological conditions are the main conservative limitation to the range of varieties exploited in Kenya. With historical initial source of planting material and proximity to India, the subtropical China varieties have had remote influence on choice of the types and varieties widely grown in Kenya. With evolution of the crop in Kenya, and challenges to the crop being manifested, lessons and experiences need revisiting. An overview of the crop challenges and management structure of the industry are presented Possible lessons and opportunities for exploitation in genetic improvement of the crop are summarized. The paper is presented with the objective of providing a forum on which the two countries can examine opportunities on which information is shared for technological and biological advancement of the tea crop.
Journal of Tea