In this paper we diseased the distribution features of precipitation during its period of evointion in the middle reaches of Huanghe river from January 1987 to December 1977 and their relationships with the tenperatu.ee in the western, eastern and northern Pacific and southern oscillation index, respectively by means of extended empirical orthodox function and spectrum analysis. The calculating results indieate that there are aanual variations of more (less) precipitation in the belt of Yushe and the south and west of Xifeng town and of less (more) precipitation in surrounding areas, the period lasting 20.7 and 12.4 months (quasi-one year). The monthly precipitation in this area is closely associated wi.th the monthly sea temperature and southern oscillation index in the abovu-mentioned sea surface, with their relationship strikingly distinct in the period of 20.7 montgs
Journal of the Meteorological Sciences