按 2 0 0 3年的资料分析了我国石油 (含凝析油 )的产量、剩余可采储量、(可采 )资源量并计算它们的单位国土面积均值和人均值 ,而后将它与世界的该两相应值作了对比 ,提出在发展战略研究中以“两点论”的思想去认识中国的油气。一是中国为油气大国 ,还有相当大的发展潜力。二是按国土均值和人均值计中国油气相对贫乏 ,作为对比的 6项指标中 5项均低于世界均值的一半。在这个认识的基础上才有可能建立正确的发展战略 ,积极利用国内外两种资源。
According to the data of 2003, the author analyzes oil(including condensate) output, remaining recoverable reserves, and recoverable resource of China and calculates two averages on per territory area and per capita. Then the author contrasts the two averages with two corresponding averages of the world. The author indicates that people should use “two point of views” to recognize Chinese oil and gas resource in the research of Chinese development strategy. One point is China has enough oil and gas resource and has enormous developing potential, the other point is China oil and gas reserve is relatively lacking according to the average of per territory area and per capita. 5 indexes in the 6 contrast indexes are lower than the half of world average. The author believes only based on these two points China can establish right development strategy, and actively use oil resource home and abroad.
Offshore Oil