本文从夏禹治水起 ,对太湖历史上进、出水道的变迁和治理作了较全面的论述。记述了从唐代后期至今的 1 0 0 0多年中 ,在太湖发生的水旱灾害和灾异的规律以及历代对太湖治理的措施和业绩。分析历史上太湖治理的经验教训 ,探讨今后治理太湖的方略。
This paper discusses the transition and harnessing of the inlet and outlet channels in the history of Tai Lake since the time of Xia Dynasty The regularity of the drought and flood disaster as well as the measures to harness this lake and the successful experiences are depicted since Tang Dynasty, In addition, the historical experiences and lectures are also discussed, together with some future countermeasures
Ancient and Modern Agriculture