采用液 液萃取气相色谱法、吹扫捕集气相色谱法以及液 液萃取微电量滴定EOX法对造纸废水中的五氯酚PCP(Pentachlorophenol)进行了测定研究。研究结果表明 ,①不同原料不同漂白工艺PCP含量差别较大 ,以CEH三段漂白条件下就C段废水中对甘蔗渣、芦苇、马尾松等浆料废水的测定结果来看 ,马尾松为原料的废水中PCP含量较大。②对废水中半挥发性或不挥发性组分的痕量分析用液 -液萃取微电量滴定法较好 ,对挥发性较强的组分用吹扫捕集气相色谱法 ,而对含量较低的挥发性或半挥发性组分采用液 液气相色谱法测定为佳。
The applications of liquid-liquid extraction coupled with gas chromatography,purge-and-trap coupled with gas chromatography and liquid-liquid extraction coupled with micro-coulometric titration to determine the priority pollutants Pentachlorophenol (PCP) in pulping effluent were studied.PCP was shown on the list as the environment pollutants issued by the Chinese authority. In Unite States,PCP was considered as incretion disorganized substance by EPA and forbidden to dischange to environment.The research results were shown as follows.(1) The content of PCP was very different when different raw materials and different bleaching processes were used. From the measuring results of the waste water obtained from the C stage of CEH bleaching sequence using the bagasse,reed and pine as pulping material,the PCP content in waste water of pine material was the highest. (2) For trace analysis of half volatility compound and non volatility compound in waste water, it was better to apply liquid-liquid extraction coupled with micro-coulometric titration.As for high volatility compound the purge-and-trap coupled with gas chromatography was proved favorable.However,liquid-liquid extraction coupled with gas chromatography was applicable if the content of half volatility compound and non volatility compound was lower.
Transactions of China Pulp and Paper