In recent ten years and more, in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, there have sprung up like mushrooms private societies of commerce instituted spontaneously by private enterprisers, which have, by their outstanding performance in their autonomous management, drawn wide attention of various social lines. Starting from the freedom of neo-institutionalism and on the basis of social survey and literature analyses, we have explored the originating setup of Wenzhou's private chambers of commerce:the system foundation of the rise of private commercial clubs and the intrinsic logic thereof. Taking Wenzhou Merchant Guild of Clothing as our typical case to be studied, and by the analyses of its more than ten years of advance in its ability to organize and use resources by itself, of furtherance in its organizational role, of the perfection of its autonomous regulations, of the weakening of administrative dependence, of its lawful growth, and of the process of changes in a series of systems such as that of the rationalization of the relationship between it and the government, we have demonstrated the evolution of the autonomous management mechanism of the private merchant guild, probed into the dilemma in system - the predicament in which is Wenzhou Merchant Guilds as autonomous organizations and into the way out for development, and illustrated the inherent link between autonomous management and the government role.
Journal of Management World