目的 研究力克肺疾治疗复治性肺结核的临床疗效。方法 14 8例复治肺结核病例给予力克肺疾 0 .6g d ,清晨 1次顿服。结果 治疗 3个月 ,痰菌阴转率达 4 5 .3% ,病灶吸收好转率达90 .5 % ,空洞闭合率 5 5 .2 % ,治疗 12个月痰菌阴转达 80 .4 %。结论 治疗复治性肺结核 ,力克肺疾是有效、安全、方便、值得扩广使用的药物。
Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Likefeiji on relapse tuberculosis.Methods 148 patients with rel apse tuberculosis were given Likefeiji, with a dosage of 0.6g daily,oral adminis tration once a day in the morning.Results After 3-month's trea tment, the sputum bacteria negative returned rate was 45.3%, focal lesion absorp tive rate was 90.5%, cavity closure rate was 55.2%, after 12-month's treatment, bacteria negative returned rate was 80.4%.Conclusion Likefeij i is an effective, safe and convenient drug in the treatment of relapse tubercu losis, which is worth spreading application.
Chinese Journal of Difficult and Complicated Cases