
电磁脉冲作用人体的数值模拟和分析 被引量:2

Numerical simulation of the human body illuminated by electromagnetic pulse
摘要  建立色散介质3维真实人体模型,用色散介质时域有限差分((FD)2TD)方法计算了强电磁脉冲(EMP)对人体的作用。结果表明,电磁脉冲对人体的透入主要决定于脉冲前沿,受脉冲宽度的影响较小;透入体内的脉冲,相对辐照脉冲显著变窄;人体吸收的电磁能没有明显受到辐照脉冲能注量的影响;虽然人体从单个脉冲吸收的能量远低于用比吸收能定义的安全标准,但这种剂量的照射在离体培养的人肝细胞(L 02)上却产生了明显的生物学效应,这意味着比吸收能难以作为人员安全评估标准。 The illumination of a 3D human body model by electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is numerically analyzed with frequency-dependence time-domain finite-difference ((FD)2TD) method. The fields in the body exhibit a strong dependence on the rise time of the illuminating pulses. Compared with the incident EMP, the transmitted pulses are narrower in width. No apparent relation between the absorbed energy and the incident energy density is observed, which is much different from that of the harmonic fields. Though the absorbed energy is far below the existing safety limit, the cell in experiment shows a growth inhibition. This phenomenon combined with the numerical results suggests that the safety assessment based on energy absorption is questionable.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期1581-1584,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家863计划项目资助课题 国家自然科学基金资助课题(5137030)
关键词 色散介质时域有限差分法 电磁脉冲 三维真实人体模型 比吸收能 Computer simulation Energy absorption Finite difference method Human engineering Safety factor Three dimensional Time domain analysis
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