罗马法以降的近代民法和现代民法中 ,提存都作为一项债的消灭原因与方式的制度流传下来 ,显示出其存在的价值。然而我国的提存立法规定甚少 ,操作困难。文章以现行《合同法》第 1 0 1至第 1 0 4条及相关规定 ,与《德国民法典》第 3 72至第 3 86条进行比较 ,剖析提存的法律性质、原因、标的和效力等基本内容 ,总结推论出适合中国国情的提存制度。
In the neoteric and modern civil laws descending from Roman law, drawing has shown its value as one of reasons and means for the extinction of debt. The thesis compares Articles 101, 104 in Contract Law and regulations related with Articles 372 and 386 in German Civil Code, analyzing the basic contents like legal feature, cause, object and validity in order to find out a system suitable for the situations now in China.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law