Objective The effects of cardiac big vein electrical isolation to treat paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) were reviewed. Methods 83 patients [age (60 5±18 5) years, 58 males, 25 females] were referred for vein electrical islation by radiofrequency catheter ablation to treat drug refractory PAF were studied. Guided by circular mapping catheter (Lasso catheter), radiofequency lesions were applied around the circumference of the cardiac big veins at the ostia until the complete electrical disconnections between the atria and veins developed. Results Successful electrical isolation was obtained in th 343 cardiac big veins of 83 pantients, including 83 LSPV and 83 RSPVs and 82 LIPVs and 42 RIPVs and 53 SVCs. After a follow up of 2~31 months, 50 patients remained free of PAF without medication, and another 13 patients experienced remarkable reduction of PAF episodes. Complications occurred in 23 patients, including in 2 hemothorax, 21 pulmonary vein stenosis. Conclusion (1) The cardiac big veins could be successfully electrically disconnected from atria through radiofrequency catheter ablation techniqe in patients with PAF, the recurrence of PAF can be controlled or cured in more than 75% of patients; (2)The all cardiac big veins be successfully electrically disconnected may increase success rate; (3)The complications should be carefully avoided during the procedure.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias