目的 :研究正畸治疗对口呼吸所致安氏Ⅱ1错牙合畸形的矫治效果。方法对 2 8例口呼吸所致安氏Ⅱ1错牙合患者 ,于正畸治疗前、后用Linder Aroson和Solow测量方法进行比较分析及统计学检验。结果 :代表颈倾斜度的OPT/HOR和CVT/HOR分别较治疗前增加 2 .2 5°和 2 .96° ,代表自然头位的颅颈角FH/OPT和FH/CVT的测量值比治疗前增加 2 .60°和 2 .92° ,其变化有显著性差异 ;代表实际通气道大小的Pm ad2测量值增加了 2 .67mm ,与治疗前相比有显著性差异。结论 :正畸治疗能迅速矫治上下颌矢状位置关系的不调 ,使口呼吸习惯患者的上气道通气能力明显增加 ,头颅和颈椎的前伸位得以改善。
Objective:To study the Changes of pharynx and head cephelometric in Angle Ⅱ 1 Malocclusion caused by mouth-breathing after orthodontic treatment.Method: 28 patients with AnglesⅡ 1malocclusion caused by mouth breathing were treated by orthodontic treatment, and the pharynx and head cephelometric changes of pretreatment and post-treatment were measured and analysed. Result: The values of OPT/HOR and CVT/HOR increased 2.25° and 2.96°. FH/OPT and FH/CVT increased 2.60° and 2.92°. Pm-ad2 increased 2.67mm. All of them had statistic differences.Conclusion: The orthodontic treatment can change the relations of the maxilla and mandible. At the same time it can improve aerate ability of upper airway in mouth breathing sufferer, and can improve forward position of head and neck.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology