目的 :评价喉外途径杓状软骨切除声带外展固定术治疗双侧声带外展麻痹的效果。方法 :回顾分析杓状软骨切除声带外展固定术 (Woodman术 )治疗双侧声带外展麻痹 9例的临床资料。结果 :8例效果满意 ,术后 1次拔除气管套管 6例 ,2次拔管 2例 ,拔管率为 88.9% ,拔管时间平均 2 5 .5d。结论
Objective:To explore the effect of arytenoidectomy and lateral cordopexy by extralaryngeal approach forr bilateral abductor paralysis.Method:The chinical data of 9 cases with bilateral abductor paralysis treated by arytenordectomy and lateral cordopexy by extralaryngeal approach were retrospectively analysed.Result:Eight cases regained satisfied result.Six cases were successful in decannulation after the first operation and two cases were successful in decannulation after the second operation.The detubation rate was 88.9%.The average time of detubation was 25.5 days.Conclusion:Woodman′s operation is still one of the most effect methods for bilateral abductor paralysis.
Journal of Preclinical Medicine College of Shandong Medical University