

Serological changes in patients with chronic hepatitis B and liver fibrosis treated with recombinant human interferon-γ and Anluohuaxian pills
摘要 目的研究重组人γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)联合安络化纤丸治疗慢性乙型肝炎(慢乙肝)肝纤维化患者肝纤维化血清学变化。方法 60例慢乙肝肝纤维化患者随机分为 A、B 2组,A 组:30例采用 IFN-γ联合安络化纤丸治疗,B 组:30例采用常规药物(凯西莱+肝安注射液)治疗,疗程为9个月。用放射免疫法测定治疗前、治疗3、6、9个月及停药后3个月血清 HA、LN、PCⅢ及Ⅳ-C 水平。结果 A 组血清 HA、LN、PCⅢ及Ⅳ-C 的测定值随治疗时间逐渐降低,至9个月到最低点(P<0.05),B 组则无明显改变(P>0.05)。有效率 A组仅为66.7%(20/30),B 组为10%(3/30),2组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 A 组血清肝纤维化指标随治疗进行不断下降,至治疗结束时达到最低点;与 A 组比较,B 组的肝纤维化4项指标虽然也呈下降趋势,但下降幅度明显小于A 组。说明γ-干扰素联合安络化纤丸对慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化有良好的联合抗纤维化效果。 Objective To investigate the serological changes in patients with chronic hepatitis B and liver fibrosis trea- ted with recombinant human interferon-γ(rhINF-γ)and Anluo- huaxian pills.Methods Sixty patients with chronic hepatitis B and liver fibrosis were randomized into 2 groups.The patients in group A were with rhINF-γ and Anluohuaxian pills for 9 months and those in group received regular pharmacotherapy for 9 months.The serum levels of HA,LN,PCⅢ and Ⅳ-C were de- termined by radioimmunoassay before,at the 3rd,6th and 9th month during and 3 months after the treatments.Results In group A,the serum levels of HA,LN,PCⅢ and Ⅳ-C were gradually decreased after beginning of the treatment and reached their lowest values at the 9th month during the treatment(P< 0.05).In group B,there were no significant changes in serum levels of HA,LN,PCⅢ and Ⅳ-C(P>0.05)after the treat- ment.The effective rate was significantly higher in group A than in group B(66.7% vs.10%,P<0.05).Conclusions rhINF-γ in combination with Anluohuaxian pills can exert signifi- cant fibrocystic effects in patients with chronic hepatitis B and liv- er fibrosis.
出处 《传染病信息》 2004年第4期172-172,共1页 Infectious Disease Information
关键词 治疗 肝纤维化 安络化纤丸 联合 慢性乙型肝炎 Ⅳ-C PCⅢ 慢乙肝 血清学 IFN-Γ Interferon-γ Anluohuaxian pill Chronic hepatitis B Liver fibrosis Liver fibrosis marker
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