该文对以往普遍认可的以满族贵族同汉族统治者和农民军为代表的征服者与被征服者之间的矛盾提出质疑。认为南明时期抗清的历史正当性 ,应以是否有利于传承和发展中华民族多元一体架构及中华文明为标准。不能将国内一个民族的统治者取代另一个民族的统治者对中国的统治与近代中华民族同外国侵略者之间的民族矛盾相提并论。从这一视野出发 ,对孙可望领导的大西军余部与永历小朝廷“联合恢剿”所掀起的第二抗清高潮的主客观条件、进程及其历史正当性进行了论述。认为当清初全国统一大趋势已经出现并不可逆转之时 ,抗清的历史正当性便会衰减 ,最终成为中国历史前进的阻力。其成败并不以联合抗清的双方甚或某个领袖人物是否仍坚定不移地抗清为转移。
This article queries the contradiction between the co nqueror represented by aristocrat of the Manchus as well as rulers of the Hans a nd the conquered represented by peasant troops.For the historical justificatio n of resisting the Qing'stroops in the stage of south Ming dynasty ,we should ta ke whether it is good to herit and develop Chinese cultivation as well as plural istic but integrated framework of the Chinese nation as the standard.The author expounds the subjective and objective conditions,the course as well as the histo rical justification of“Lian He Hui Jiao”.After that,the author holds the histo rical justi fication of resisting the Qing's troops would be weakened and finall y would obstruct proceedings of Chinese history when it was impossible to revers e the trend of the Manchus unifying the whole nation.
Guizhou Ethnic Studies
ethnic contradiction
resisting the Qing troops by uni tirg the Ming troops
unifying the nation