提出了一种咖啡机的精确恒温方案。利用集成元件 AD590 测温、静电电容式接近开关检测咖啡液位,构建闭环控制回路。用 PWM 集成芯片 TL494 做脉宽调制,控制固态继电器按一定占空比输出给加热器间歇加热,实现了咖啡液的精确恒温。
Precision temperature control method of a smart coffee maker is proposed in the paper. The sensor AD590 is used to measure the temperature, and the coffee liquid level is detected by adding three approaching switches of static electric capacitor type. Control loop of the coffee maker is formed. TL494 is used to generate modulated pulse, which is transferred to the relay to make the heater work. This method can keep temperature in a set value accurately.
Guangdong Automation & Information Engineering